Astrology and Hermeticism |
Hermeticism (Greek hermetismos), the hermetic doctrine - the religious and philosophical current of an era of Hellenism and late antiquity which was combining elements of a popular Platonism, stoicism and other philosophical doctrines with chaldaic astrology and Persian magic, and having expressly esoteric character. Compositions in the Greek, Latin, Coptic and ancient Armenian languages in which initiate on behalf of god Hermes Trismegistus all secrets of the world are revealed belong to hermetic tradition. Some researchers sharply divide and even oppose each other "basilar", "popular", national Hermeticism (treatises on hermetic sciences: astrologie, alchemy, magic and medicine; 3rd century BC - 3rd century AD) and Hermeticism philosophical and theological, "scientific" ("Corpus Hermeticum" in which attempt to synthesize the Hellenistic mysticism, separate provisions of the Greek idealistic philosophy and Judaic monotheism the II-III centuries becomes). However the doctrines stated in philosophical treatises of "Corpus Hermeticum" actually proved both alchemy, and astrology, and magic, and traditional medicine. In "scientific Hermeticism" two contradictory tendencies are observed: optimistic-pantheistical and pessimistic-Gnostic. The coherent statement of the doctrine of Hermeticism is given mainly in compositions of pessimistic-Gnostic group (especially in the first treatise of Corpus Hermeticum - "Poimandres"). "Corpus Hermeticum" represents meeting enough diverse treatises written in Greek in the 2-3rd centuries AD. Here titles of these treatises:
1. Pœmandres, the Shepherd of Men Hermetic treatises aren't united by the general world outlook installation. In general are characteristic of Hermeticism consecutive use of motives of Ancient Egyptian mythology (e.g., the Sun cult) and interest in area of "practical" knowledge (occult sciences) that allows to differentiate Hermeticism and Gnosticism with which in other respects the Hermeticism has much in common. According to hermetic representations, the world is uniform and all its parts are connected with each other. Stars - gods or only images of the deity giving them the initial movement exert impact on the world of people. The world consists of four (or five) elements: water, earth, air, fire (and ether) which interact among themselves and distribute good and bad influences of stars. Thus, the world is the organic unity subordinated to eternal laws and deserves the name "world order" ("space"). This closed field copes eternally coming back time, a circular motion symbol - the ordered movement of stars on the trajectories. Stars and planets influence both the world in general (macrocosm), and each person, being a microcosm: "The person, my dear Amon, knowing call the world as he - part of the world nature" (Jatromathematica, I, s. 387). The human mind is a part of the Divine Mind, therefore, knowing himself, person thereby learns and God. The word, the human speech are penetrated by energies of the Divine Word that opens an opportunity for magic impact of the human word on the world. The person and the world correspond each other: the head of the person is the sky, eyes - the Sun and the Moon, a breast - air, a stomach - the earth, heart is a body sanctuary, a mind habitat. As everything in the world is connected, future can be predicted, say, on interiors of animals or on an arrangement of celestial bodies. Similarly, to make regular various phenomena, the repeating rituals are necessary: so, continuous return of the Moon is provided with bringing in the victim of an antelope, the foe of the Moon. At full clarification of soul from sins there is as if a birth of the new person which essence there is light. And at clarification of "dirty" metals lightful gold is formed. As the world is uniform, also the knowledge is uniform; at the same time the knowledge of the world, self-knowledge and knowledge of God are same. But it not rational knowledge, but secret knowledge, gnosis which comprehension is possible only by means of revelation of the Deity. Similar revelation also were, according to adherents of Hermeticism, texts of Corpus Hermeticum, and the prophet who has given this revelation to people was Egyptian Hermes Trismegistus. Development of hermetic tradition in the Middle Ages has been connected mainly with occult practice; renewal of interest in "scientific Hermeticism" in Renaissance was promoted by a transfer on Latin of 14 treatises of "Corpus Hermeticum" made by M.Ficino. To this tradition there goes back the theory of "natural magic" which is put forward by Pico della Mirandola gradually developing into mood of so-called "natural piety" to which many thinkers of 16th-17th centuries (Copernicus, Kepler, Bruno, partly - F. Bacon, etc. - until Newton) have paid a tribute. |
Literatur |
Corpus Hermeticum./ Texte établi par A.D.Nock et traduit par
A.-J.Festugiere. V. 1 - 4. - Paris, 1945-1954 Hermes. Liber Hermetis. P. I-II./ Transl. by R.Zoller; edited by R.Hand. - Berkeley Springs, West Virginia: Golden Hind Press, 1993 Герметизм и формирование науки. - М., 1993 Знание за пределами науки. Мистицизм, герметизм, астрология, алхимия, магия в интеллектуальных традициях I - XIV вв./ Сост. и общ. ред. И.Т.Касавина. - М.: Республика, 1996 Лосев А.Ф. История античной эстетики: Итоги тысячелетнего развития. В 2-х кн.- М.: Искусство, 1992; 1994 "Поймандр Гермеса Трисмегиста./ Вступ. ст. и пер. с древнегреч. Н.Шабурова.// Урания. - 1993. - №4 Саплин А. Астрологический энциклопедический словарь Левек П. Эллинистический мир Герметизм.// Философский энциклопедический словарь Лосев А. История античной эстетики. Итоги тысячелетнего развития Гермес Трисмегист и герметическая традиция Востока и Запада / Сост., комм. и пер. К. Богуцкого. - Киев; М.: Ирис; Алетейа, 1998 Астрологический словарь / Авт.-сост. С.Ю.Головин. - Мн.: Харвест, 1998 Д.Куталев Новая астрологическая энциклопедия Герметизм, магия, натурфилософия в европейской культуре XIII - XIX вв. / Под ред. И. Т. Касавина. - М.: Канон+, 1999 |
Websites |ГерметизмГЕРМЕТИЗМ |